The Choice Of Today
The Choice Of Today

Today will be full of choices.
The greatest choice we will face is to choose to worship Christ. As we look at His creation around us it should always spur us to worship, but most often we don’t see it. I know for me (probably like most of us) I am often caught in the battle of my sin nature and my own dreams, desires and quests and that in doing so, I miss the joy of worship and natural, genuine fellowship with Christ. Am I alone here?
Whether it's the joy of life itself, or as we look around and see the sunrise, the trees, the birds singing, the flowers, the rain, the clouds, we are to be filled with the awe and the splendor of God and His creation.
Let everything I see and experience today drive me to love God more and to worship Him. As I do, I pray that God will give me the capacity to love people with the same love and grace that He has extended to me through Jesus Chris
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge. There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard. Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun.
- Psalm 19:1-4
Prayer for the day: Lord Jesus, thank you for your love and faithfulness to me. Thank you for salvation and the gift of your Holy Spirit in me. Please allow me to slow down and enjoy the day. Let me be in awe of your creation as you reveal your glory around me in all that I see and experience. Let me fall deeper in love with you today and as I do, fill me with the power and presence of your Spirit and give me the capacity to love people as you would have me. In those moments, would you find me faithful.
Nice view overlooking beautiful Salt Lake City while visiting my son in March of 2017.