Life Beyond Grief: Hope
Life Beyond Grief: Hope

I love the fall! It is by far my favorite season as it brings in cooler temperatures and the beauty of the changing season. But on this first day of fall, it also brings a lot of emotion and memories.
It was on this date that I lost two significant men in my life. Not only were they family, they were brothers in Christ, accountability partners and dear friends.
This was the last picture that we had together during a fundraiser golf event for our ministry. Leslie was carrying our first child, Amanda at the time. We remember that day with joy as we shared a fantastic time with these guys and many other dear friends. It was just a few months later on this date that they would meet their Savior face to face.
So, welcome to fall - with all the joy and emotion that it brings. We live each day grateful for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. As Paul shares in I Thessalonians 4, that we grieve but not as those that have no hope and we look forward to the glorious reunion that we will share.
Let us not waste a moment of time that we have. Instead, let's live intentionally each day with passion and purpose to declare the love and grace of Jesus Christ with all those around us until that day, that we too, are Home Free.