Live Like He Is Risen
Live Like He Is Risen

It is the Monday after Easter. We spent last week exploring the last days of Jesus' life and yesterday celebrating the single greatest event in all human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
So, what difference does it make today? As a follower of Jesus Christ every single day of my life is resurrection day. Jesus is alive today as much as He is every day – and the fact that He is alive changes everything in my life. I need to live today like He is raised from the dead.
I find it fascinating that when Jesus returned, He continues to meet with His disciples. He desired to spend time with them. He wanted to continue to teach them truth, provide instruction, encouragement and serve them. He modeled for them (and us) His plan for relational discipleship. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I too am called to love and serve people. But I'm also called to embrace and declare His truth. I can't separate His love from His truth. So, as I serve and care for people I do it in the context of His truth and His grace in relationship. So, let's go live today, and every day, like Jesus is alive. Let Him work through us in a way that makes other people realize that He is alive.
“God has resurrected this Jesus. We are all witnesses of this.
Therefore, since He has been exalted to the right hand of God
and has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit,
He has poured out what you both see and hear.”
Acts 2:32-33 HCSB
Let Him "pour out" through you today (and every day) so others can "both see and hear." What do you need to surrender to Him today so that you can live like He is alive?