Hit It Again!
Hit It Again!

“You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”
- Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky, nicknamed, "The Great One", because many considered him to be one of the greatest players ever to skate and compete in the NHL. He knew what it took to win – you have to take shots. You have to persevere. We hear it all the time—“Stick with it!” “Persevere!” “Keep on keeping on!” “Never give up!” But, do you ever think that way in your Christian walk? Do you persevere and endure?
We see so many stories in scripture of people in desperate need aggressively seeking and pursuing Jesus. Mark 7 tells us a story of a woman who was persistent in pursuing Jesus because she knew that He alone was uniquely qualified and powerful enough to meet her need. What about you? What is it that only Jesus can do in your life? Are you willing to persevere – to know Him, experience Him, and grow with Him? Sometimes we “miss it” because we never take the shot!
I look at a stone cutter hammering away at a rock a hundred times without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow it splits in two.
Or, like the blacksmith that heats the metal and then hits it repetedly, again and again he heats the metal and hits it again. Finally, he hits it enough that it is ready, shaped just the way he wants it to be and perfect for the job.
I know it was not the one blow that did it, but all that had gone before. So, persevere - keep hammering - see what God has in store, especially for you! Perhaps He is shaping you and making you ready for the perfect situation that He has in store for you.