Do You Live With A Mission?
Do You Live With A Mission?

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
- Jesus, from Matthew 28:18-20, known as The Great Commission
I believe in the Great Commission. What about you? I think most people who call themselves Christians do. But, when it comes to actually living it – well, that’s a completely different thing altogether.
When I read the text in Matthew 28 and think of those to whom Jesus is speaking – I am sure that Jesus knew those men would go tell people that “Jesus is alive”. He just fulfilled His promise, He rose from the dead! He changed their lives forever. They have experienced life with Jesus for three years. Imagine the miracles and teaching they have witnessed and experienced firsthand. They have received His love and grace. In other words, evangelism is a given! Of course we’ll tell – look at what just happened!
So, Jesus’ emphasis was to “go and make disciples.” As you tell them, grow them. As they come to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and are “born again” (Jesus in John 3) don’t simply leave them as babies, but grow them up to be mature, reproducing followers, who will in turn multiply and reach others.
For far too long we have allowed people to attend church and sit in a worship service or Bible study with no sense of expectation to grow up. We hope they will, because we are sharing Gods life changing truth. But, knowledge alone is not the answer. If we do not raise the sense of expectation and begin to intentionally move people to maturity, they won’t do it on their own. I can’t force them to grow and neither can you. But, we can create a culture and atmosphere that says; there’s more. God has greater things in store. You should be growing and learning to feed yourself and you should multiply.
As a leader and influencer, consider those around you. Have you raised the sense of expectancy for their participation? Are they coming prepared to interact, or simply to listen? Do you have a few that you are personally investing in with the goal of equipping and sending out? Yes, to kick them out and let them begin to minister to others.
I know all of this does not happen on Sunday morning, or any other time your group meets. It is a life investment and happens in the context of real relationships. Let’s take our mission seriously. Let’s get intentional and targeted in our approach to equip, send and multiply. Those you influence should know that this is not the end. Our goal is not to have a full room, to be happy, have fun together and simply love each other. Our mission is to grow in spiritual maturity and equip people to go, reach and equip others in the context of real life relationship.
So, if we truly believe in our mission, if we have experienced the life changing power of Jesus Christ, let’s minister like we mean it.