My Mother's Day Tribute
My Mother's Day Tribute

Moms are awesome! The way they unselfishly invest in the lives of others and serve with love and grace. This is my 30th Mother’s Day without my mom – yet I am still learning from her and the things that she taught me as she shared God’s love and truth with me. As only God can do, He has continued to invest in my life with a group of incredible ladies that show me the love of Christ and challenge me to walk with Him that she began so many years ago.
From my precious God Mother, Gladys, that was best friends with my mom since their school days; she loved, taught and disciplined me more than once (when her boys and my brother blamed me for something that of course I had nothing to do with). She continued to love and invest in my life and would often stop and see our growing little family during their trips south. She went to be with the Lord three years ago – I miss her, yet I rejoice in the hope that we share and look forward to seeing her for all eternity.
To my adopted Mom, Claire, who for the last 24 years has faithfully, lovingly and honestly loved me and my family with devotion, fun and laughter. God has used her in unbelievable ways to show His love and grace and has helped to fill a void left by the uncertainty of life itself. She has provided an incredible picture of the love of the body of Christ that continues to shape my life and ministry.
My Mother-in-love, Ginger. When I fell in love with her daughter, she came with the deal and it didn’t take long to realize what a great package this was. Her love and devotion to Jesus is transferred directly to our family. She has been rock solid with her consistent love, support and encouragement to our family and brings a sense of joy and laughter with her story telling and recall of little details that bring smiles of the memories that we have shared.
For almost 25 years, Leslie, my beautiful bride and mother to three very creative, wild, free spirited, artsy, talented and hard to contain children. You have been an incredible wife and mother! How you have accomplished all that you have during this wild ride of life and ministry that we have shared, I’ll never really know. You have been the glue that has held our family together and have exhibited the love and grace of Jesus Christ like no other person I know. Your faithfulness to Christ has been poured into our children so consistently through the years and I can clearly see your fingerprints all over their lives as I watch them walking with Christ and leading others as adults.
I thank the Lord every day for these Moms who have shared my life and continue to invest in me. I pray that I honor each of you with my life of service to you and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Together we live our lives all for His glory.
Happy Mothers Day! I Love You All!